

安居與否?批判地方教育學與相關爭議之探究   全文下載 更多文章
To Dwell or Not to Dwell? Exploring Critical Pedagogy of Place and the Related Debates
作者 洪如玉
「地方本位教育」與「批判教育學」均為近年來相當受到矚目的教育理論,有學者試圖結合此二者提出「批判地方教育學」,亦激發許多迴響與思索。本論文第一部分討論「批判地方教育學」的主要涵義,在此以D. Gruenewald的觀點為主;第二部分探討、釐清並評析「批判地方教育學」引起的相關爭議,包括Gruenewald、M. Gadotti與C. A. Bowers等學者之間的論辯;最後一部分探究「批判地方教育學」概念與此爭議對我國相關教育研究之啟示,包含五個面向:學習跨領域與多元面向的地方覺知、地方場域可包括鉅觀與微觀、地方課程應包含在地議題、批判地方教育者作為具有地方意識的轉化型知識份子,以及安居是一個歸鄉與再生之辯證過程。
Place-based education and critical pedagogy are two educational theories which have received much attention in recent years. A rising idea, which attempts to blend these two theories into "critical pedagogy of place," draws a lot of scholars' attention and discussions. The critical pedagogy of place could shed new light on the interrelationship between residents and places. This paper, firstly, was aimed to introduce the definition of the critical pedagogy of place from the perspective of Gruenewald. The second section explored and unpacked the arguments for and against the notion. The final section sought to reveal its implications for education: (1) the multiple dimensional and interdisciplinary learning of place awareness; (2) the macroscopic and microscopic understanding of places; (3) the inclusion of local issues in the place curriculum; (4) critical place pedagogues as transformative intellectuals with place consciousness; (5) dwelling as a dialectic between homecoming and renewing.
起訖頁 43-73
關鍵詞 地方地方本位教育批判教育學批判地方教育學placesplace-based educationcritical pedagogycritical pedagogy of place
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
期數 201206 (12:1期)
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
該期刊-上一篇 全球化對國家角色的影響:1997~2007年英國新工黨政府教改路線的剖析
該期刊-下一篇 教育與社會改革:George S. Counts社會重建論的實踐意涵


  臺灣教育社會學學會 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education
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