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並列篇名 | The Possible Mechanism Influencing Junior High School Students' Achievement in Taiwan: The Exploration of Structural Equation Modeling |
作者 | 林俊瑩、黃毅志 |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的在探究影響臺灣地區學生學業成就表現的可能機制。依據所探討的文獻,對於「家庭社經地位」、「家庭教育資源」、「負面文化資本」、「學生學習態度」與「學業成就」等五個潛在變項彼此之間的關聯,提出七個假設與潛在變項關係模型。本研究以「臺灣教育長期追蹤調查資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey, TEPS)全國大樣本的國中階段資料為分析對象,藉以建構與檢定影響學生學業成就的可能機制。在資料分析上,運用了結構方程模式統計技術來考驗本研究所提出的假設關係。研究結果顯示,家庭社經地位、家庭教育資源與學生學習態度都對學生學業成就可能有直接正向的影響;負面文化資本則對學生學業成就有直接負向影響。而家庭社經地位除了有直接影響外,也有透過家庭教育資源、負面文化資本及學生學習態度等中介潛在變項的間接影響。這結果顯示家庭社經地位高的學生在教育取得過程中,還是占有優勢,反映出教育機會的不均等。最後,依據研究發現對教育實務與後續研究提出幾點建議。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this study is to investigate the possible mechanism affecting students’ academic achievement in Taiwan. By referring to the literature, seven hypotheses and a structural equation model are developed based on the interrelationship among five constructs: family socioeconomic status (SES), family educational resources, negative cultural capital, learning attitudes and academic achievement. Taking the national samples of junior high schools involved in the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), and the structural equation modeling approach is adopted to test the hypothesized relationships in the study. The results from SEM have confirmed that SES, family educational resources and students’ learning attitudes could have direct and positive effects on student achievement, while negative cultural capital has direct and negative effects. In addition to the direct effects on students’ academic achievement by SES, intervening variables, such as family educational resources, negative cultural capital and students’ learning attitudes, have an indirect effect on students’ academic performance. This finding reveals that students who have high SES will reach higher levels of academic achievement than those who have low SES, revealing the inequality of educational opportunity. Finally, some suggestions are made regarding educational practice and future direction of research. |
起訖頁 | 45-88 |
關鍵詞 | 社經地位、家庭教育資源、學習態度、學業成就、結構方程模式、SES、Family educational resources、Learning attitudes、Academic achievement、Structural equation modeling |
刊名 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
期數 | 200806 (8:1期) |
出版單位 | 臺灣教育社會學學會 |
該期刊-上一篇 | 社會階級對子女學業成就的影響:以家庭資源為分析架構 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 臺灣新移民之新教育觀:以在地教師課程觀點出發 |