查詢結果:8 | ||||
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 刊期 |
1 | 臺灣1990年代後師資培育改革的本體論政治初探:一種非工具性思維的觀點 A Study of Ontological Politics of Teacher Education Reform Since the 1990s in Taiwan: A Perspective of Non-instrumental Thinking |
王俊斌 | 2024/06 | 教育研究集刊 |
2 | 運用「小老師」任務於特教師培素養導向課程之教學行動研究 An Action Research of Implementing “Little Teacher” Project in Competencebased Curriculum of Pre-service Teacher Training in Special Education |
林秀錦、呂金燮 | 2023/03 | 教育研究集刊 |
3 | 論G. J. J. Biesta對學習化的批評與教學的期許:兼論對師資培育的啟示 On G. J. J. Biesta’s Criticism of Learnification and Expectations for Teaching and Some Implications to Teacher Education |
簡成熙 | 2022/06 | 教育研究集刊 |
4 | 芬蘭師資培育:研究為基礎的派典與課程實踐 Teacher Education in Finland: The Researchbased Paradigm and Curricular Praxis |
黃源河、符碧真 | 2010/09 | 教育研究集刊 |
5 | A. Giddens 自反現代性對師資培育課程研究之啟發 A. Giddens' Reflexive Modernization and Its Implications on the Curriculum Research of Teacher Education |
黃騰 | 2008/03 | 教育研究集刊 |
6 | 繪本教學在師資培育上的應用--以「班級經營」為例 Using Picture Books to Teach Prospective Teachers How to Manage Their Classrooms |
王千倖 | 2004/03 | 教育研究集刊 |
7 | 美國教育學院歷史發展之探究 The Historical Development of SCDEs in the U.S.A. |
黃嘉莉 | 1998/01 | 教育研究集刊 |
8 | 師資培育與教師進修制度的檢討 Evaluation on Teacher Education and Teachers' In-Service Training |
陳舜芬、丁志仁、洪儷瑜 | 1996/03 | 教育研究集刊 |
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