查詢結果:8 | ||||
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 刊期 |
1 | 教育政治歧見之處理:由A. Gutmann民主教育觀點反思高中課綱微調爭議與出路 Resolving Political Disagreement: Reflecting on High School Curriculum Guideline Adjustment Policy from A. Gutmann’s Democratic Education |
王麗雲、賴彥全 | 2018/09 | 教育研究集刊 |
2 | 縣市教育資源對學習共同體擴散影響之研究 The Effect of Local Level Education Resource on the Diffusion of School as Learning Community |
阮孝齊、王麗雲 | 2017/03 | 教育研究集刊 |
3 | 教育學門研究人才概況、議題趨勢及學術研習營課程介紹 Introducing Academic Seminars of Education through Analyzing Profiles of Research Talent, Issues and Trends in Education |
卯靜儒、方永泉、游美惠、王麗雲、林文源 | 2015/12 | 教育研究集刊 |
4 | 市長控制模式的教育治理分析[評Henig, J. R. & Rich, W. C.著?Mayors in the middle: Politics, race, and mayoral control of urban schools?] Mayoral Control as a Form of Local Education Governance: Reviews and Critiques (A Review of ?Mayors in the Middle: Politics, Race, and Mayoral Control of Urban Schools? by J. R. Henig, & W. C. Rich) |
王麗雲 | 2006/06 | 教育研究集刊 |
5 | 學童社經背景與暑期經驗對暑期學習成就進展影響之研究 The Influence of Children's Socioeconomic Status and Summer Experiences on Their Achievement Progress in the Summer |
王麗雲、游錦雲 | 2005/12 | 教育研究集刊 |
6 | 中文拼音政策的爭議與課程政治面向的反省 Controversial Issues in Chinese Pin-Yin Policy--Reflections on the Political Dimension of Curriculum |
王麗雲 | 2002/03 | 教育研究集刊 |
7 | 教師彰權益能的概念與實施策略 Teacher Empowerment: Concepts and Strategies |
王麗雲、潘慧玲 | 2000/01 | 教育研究集刊 |
8 | 艾波教育思想研究 |
王麗雲 | 1991/06 | 教育研究集刊 |
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