查詢結果:7 | ||||
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 刊期 |
1 | 臺灣教育擴充與教育機會不均等性之關聯 The Relationship Between Educational Expansion and Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Taiwan |
黃毅志、楊賀凱 | 2016/06 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
2 | 明星國中,是橋樑,還是彩虹?以臺東縣國二生檢證Coleman的論點 Is the Prestigious Junior High School a Bridge or a Rainbow? Testing Coleman's Theory among Eighth Graders in Taitung |
黃毅志、巫有鎰 | 2011/06 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
3 | 「教育與職業不相稱」的新測量與其對工作收入、主觀意識的影響 The New Measure of Education-Job Mismatch and Its Impact on Earnings and Subjective Consciousness |
黃毅志、林俊瑩 | 2010/06 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
4 | 山地原住民的成績比平地原住民差嗎?可能影響臺東縣原住民各族與漢人國小學生學業成績差異的因素機制 Are the Achievements of Mountain Indigenous Students Lower Than Those of Plain Indigenous Ones? The Possible Mechanisms of Academic Achievement Gap among the Indigenous Tribes and the Han Elementary School Students in Taitung |
巫有鎰、黃毅志 | 2009/06 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
5 | 影響臺灣地區學生學業成就的可能機制:結構方程模式的探究 The Possible Mechanism Influencing Junior High School Students' Achievement in Taiwan: The Exploration of Structural Equation Modeling |
林俊瑩、黃毅志 | 2008/06 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
6 | 社會網絡與心理幸福因果關聯的方向性之探討:臺東師院追蹤調查資料的貫時性分析 The Study on the Directionality of Causal Relationship between Social Network and Psychological Well-Being: A Longitudinal Analysis of Panel Survey's Data from National Taitung Teachers College |
林俊瑩、黃毅志 | 2006/06 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
7 | 臺灣的升學問題:教育社會學理論與研究之檢討 The Problem of Entering Advanced Schools in Taiwan: A Sociology of Education Review on Theory and Research |
黃毅志、陳怡靖 | 2005/06 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
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