

中途輟學與犯罪之關聯性:次級資料分析並考量輟學原因   全文下載 更多文章
The Association Between Juvenile School Dropout and Crime: Results From Analyzing Secondary Data With Considering Dropout Reasons
作者 呂宜芬游伊君許春金黃富源
This study analyzed domestic governmental big data to examine the causal relationship between dropping out of school and crime. Based on the 2005-2014 dropout data registered with the K-12 Education Administration and the arrest records from 2009-2016, results show that the number of dropping out of school were positively associated with the prevalence and frequency of arrest among the dropouts, even after accounting for the dropout reasons (including individual, family, school, and social factors). School factors (such as lack of interest in school life, absenteeism, and poor relationships with peers) revealed the largest impact on dropout frequency, while social factors (including the negative influence of friends outside of school, or those who have already dropped out, and elements such as internet addiction) demonstrated the strongest influence on both prevalence and frequency of crime, as measured by arrests. Furthermore, school dropout had different effects on different types of crime, with statistically significant findings for robbery and larceny. Namely, a higher frequency of dropping out of school was associated with a higher probability of being involved in robbery and larceny. Finally, path analysis found that while the risk of arrest increased with repeated dropout, one-time dropout, conversely, reduced the risk of arrest. Arrest also increased the probability of dropping out of school. Therefore, this study affirms the effectiveness of various government policies implemented to address the problem of dropout over the years. The timely detection of problems faced by dropouts and corresponding timely intervention and counseling can prevent problems from becoming worse. However, for a few students with more serious problems, schools must devote greater efforts to prevent adolescents from following a path leading to deviant behavior.
起訖頁 099-139
關鍵詞 中輟犯罪輟學原因因果關係school dropoutcrime/arrestreasons for dropping outcausal relationships
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
期數 202206 (22:1期)
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
DOI 10.53106/168020042022062201003  複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 乘勢而起?「翻轉教育」在臺灣觸發與構連歷程之脈絡性分析


  臺灣教育社會學學會 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education
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