篇名 | |
並列篇名 | The Experiential Learning Process of Coping with Daily Environmental Risk: A Case Study of Southeast Asian Female Immigrants in Northern Taiwan |
作者 | 高佩瑤、王順美 |
中文摘要 | 本研究從成人學習取徑出發,以Jarvis的經驗學習觀點為理論架構,探索及了解東南亞籍新移民女性因應環境風險的經驗學習歷程及其構成要素。在研究方法上,本研究採取質性詮釋典範,深度訪談六位居住於北部兩個都會區的東南亞籍新移民女性。研究結果發現,東南亞籍新移民女性的學習型態隨著環境議題性質及關懷對象的不同而呈現三條路徑:非學習、非反思性行動學習、反思性混合學習型態。反思性經驗學習歷程隨著居臺時間長短及感受的變化而漸次進入三個階段:「被動順應」、「主動融入」及「創新再造」,而個人感受如何又深受社會情境因素所引導,如語言溝通環境、家庭及社會的支持程度、臺灣傳統家庭觀念、傳統母職角色及國家與社會規範等等,是構成她們感受經驗傾向負面、自主或充滿自信的主要因素,也直接影響她們採取何種學習方式:1. 當負面感受強烈時,學習型態傾向被動模仿以符合家人期待;2. 當自主感取得時,學習型態由被動轉為主動,以過去的個人生命傳記為基礎,藉由複製舊經驗、身體感受、認知強化及人際互助等方式將舊經驗融入及再製新經驗;3. 一旦自信心建立,則逐漸形塑出一種整合新舊經驗的創新生活原則與家庭社會關係網絡,改變自我與家庭、社會甚至環境的關係。 |
英文摘要 | This study applied Jarvis’s experiential learning perspective as a theoretical framework to explore and understand female Southeast Asian immigrants’ experiential learning processes when coping with daily environmental risks, and to analyze their major components. Using qualitative methods, we conducted in-depth interviews with six female Southeast Asian immigrants who live in two cities in northern Taiwan. We found that their learning patterns developed along three learning paths, which were influenced by the nature of environmental issues and differences in the objects of concern: non-learning, non-reflective action learning and reflective hybrid learning. The process of reflective hybrid learning followed three stages: a passive adaptation stage, an active integration stage, and a creative reconstruction stage. Personal feelings were highly affected by social context factors, such as the language environment, the level of support from family and society, traditional Taiwanese concepts of family, traditional mothering roles, as well as national and social norms, and these were the main factors determining whether their affective experiences tended to be negative, autonomous or self-confident. These factors also influenced their adoption of various kinds of learning patterns: 1. When experiencing strong negative feelings, they engaged in passive imitation, in order to conform with family expectations; 2. When feelings became autonomous, learning patterns changed from passive to active, and based on past personal experiences, and through the replication of former experiences, physical feelings, cognitive strengthening and interpersonal interactions, they integrated old experiences into reconstructed new experiences; 3. As they established self-confidence, they gradually molded new life principles and family and social networks, changing the relationships between self, family, society, and even the wider environment. |
起訖頁 | 047-091 |
關鍵詞 | 東南亞籍新移民女性、日常環境風險、經驗學習、female Southeast Asian immigrants、daily environmental risk、experiential learning |
刊名 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
期數 | 201406 (14:1期) |
出版單位 | 臺灣教育社會學學會 |
DOI | 10.3966/168020042014061401002 複製DOI |
該期刊-上一篇 | 度量化的身體:學校體適能檢測的權力技術 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 家長參與對國中學生教育成就之影響:社會資本的觀點 |