

全球化對國家角色的影響:1997~2007年英國新工黨政府教改路線的剖析   全文下載 更多文章
The Influence of Globalization on the State: A Study of British Educational Reforms Led by New Labour Government
作者 姜添輝
A. Gramsci與M. Foucault將國家界定於工具取向的社會控制論,因而可能低估國家的自主性,雖然C. Offe的論點補足此種缺失,但卻可能低估全球化經濟體系的影響。基於此種假定,本研究藉由英國1997~2007年的中、小學教育改革路徑,探討新工黨政府的政治思維及教育主張,試圖釐清國家在教育改革過程中扮演的角色,期能建立更適切的國家理論。本研究假定國家機器應具有高度彈性,以回應外在環境的要求,特別是全球化經濟體系,進而能有效處理既存問題,這種有效性足以調節國家教育政策的路線,並否定國家屈從資本利益或是具有主動作為的假定,而國家機器的運作係轉向契合外部情境要求的動態模式,而非取決於靜態的特定政治意識型態。
A. Gramsci and M. Foucault tend to view the state as a passive tool, which serves for the interests of dominant groups. Although C. Offe's theory is able to fix this problem, the influence of economic globalization has not been taken into account. One of the central assumptions of this study was that the operation of the state should not be subject to dominant groups or social classes but actively respond to the requirements of current social contexts, which are mainly shaped by the influence of globalization. Furthermore, sustaining the sovereignty should not be mainly reliant upon any form of cultural hegemony but the validity of policies. Therefore, this study was designed to explore the relationship between the state and globalization by examining British educational reforms led by New Labour Government when T. Blair was in power.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 全球化英國教育改革保守黨新工黨globalizationBritish educational reformsConservative PartyNew Labour Party
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
期數 201206 (12:1期)
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
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  臺灣教育社會學學會 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education
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