

傾聽與理解學童的學習需求:四所小學性教育螺旋式課程的行動研究   全文下載 更多文章
Attentiveness and Comprehension of Children’s Learning Needs: Action Research Along with the Spiral Curriculum for Sexuality Education in Four Elementary Schools
作者 李雪菱
The study presented in this paper is an attempt to help attend to and comprehend the learning needs of school children during their sexuality education journey. Our eight-year action research had been conducted in four elementary schools in order to develop a spiral curriculum suitable for school pupils receiving puberty education. This research indicates that it is proper and viable for children to begin puberty programs from the very first grade in elementary school, alongside the courses of study with gradually spiraling complexity on sexuality education issues deep and broad. The substantial content of our courses concentrates mainly on the following: sexual health attitude, sex education, education on related laws, bodily integrity and body boundaries, the basic human rights and respect, the myth of ones body image, gender presentations, relationships with others, media literacy, gender identity, sexual identity, emotional education for personal relationships, reflection and self-management on gender equity education and gender cultivation. In this paper, we suggest that, in light of the gender equity learning framework for the present 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines, acquired knowledge of legal empowerment at the junior high education section (J9) be included in the course of the elementary first graders and higher, and the myth of the body image (J2) be incorporated into the course of the third and higher graders. It is also suggested that a teacher be made aware of childrens physical development as well as todays technological communications environment encompassing them, and his or her attentiveness to culture among children be a requisite for sexuality education expertise and skills.
起訖頁 059-076
關鍵詞 小學行動研究性教育青春期教育學生學習需求elementary schoolaction researchsexuality educationpuberty educationstudents' learning needs
刊名 課程研究
期數 202209 (17:2期)
出版單位 高等教育出版公司
DOI 10.53106/181653382022091702004  複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 朝向容納多元性別教育:中學教師推動同志教育之經驗探析
該期刊-下一篇 高中性別平等教育師資培力課程架構及課程認證之初探


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