- 從教育的立場看人生 Establishing a Philosophy of Life Through Education
- 自我心理學的理論架構 A Synthesizing outline of the Psychology of Self concept
- 學校文化的教育設計 The Educational Design of the Culture of the School
- 黑格爾「精神現象學序文」研究 A Study of Hegel's Preface to the Phenomenology of Mind
- 國民小學國語文教學績效之調查研究 An Investigation of the Result of Mandarin Teaching in Primary Schools, Republic of China
- 柏拉圖「饗宴篇」中的教育愛 A Pedagogical Analysis of Eros
- 電視對我國兒童教育之影響 The Impact of Television on the Child Education in Republic of China
- 國中校長領導型式教師服務精神之關係 A Study of Relation Between Principals Leadership Style and Teacher Morale in Junior High School
- 父母教養方式與國中學生自我觀念的關係 Impact of Parental Attitude on Self Concept of Adolescents
- 國小學生對學校態度之調查分析 An Investigation of Elementary School Pupils' Attitudes Toward School
- 幼兒想像遊戲之研究 A Study on Imaginative Play of Preschool Children
- 國中教師專業判斷之研究 Professional Judgment of Junior High School Teachers
- 國中學生機動水準、工作難度、合作與競爭對工作表現及焦慮狀態之影響 Effects of motivation level, task difficulty, cooperation and come petition on task performance and anxiety state on task performance and anxiety state
- 排行、社經地位、親子交互作用與兒童語言行為的關係 The Relationship Between Birth Order, Socio Economic Status, Parent Child Interaction and Children's Verbal Behavior
- 國民中小學教師角色取向之研究 A Study of Role Orientation of Teachers in Primary and Junior High School
- 提示對概念形成的影響 The Effects of Hints on Concept Formation
- 我國師專生家庭社經地位、成就動機、抱負水準與學業成就之關係 The Relationships Among Family Motivation, Level of Educational Aspiration and Academic Achievement of Junior Normal College Students in the Republic of China