中文母語者專用:實用學術英文寫作指南習作(人文社會科學領域) Workbook of English Research Writing |
本習作根據搭配的指南之內容設計,以提供讀者練習。 為了使此習作能用於自學或是課堂練習,本書有提供參考答案。 但是請注意,很多時候不一定有標準答案,因此本書提供的答案僅供參考之用。 IntroductionThis English/Chinese bilingual workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the accompanying guidebook, providing practical exercises to allow users to master some of the most problematic language issues faced by Chinese speakers when writing academic English. The exercises are very practical, based on real academic writing scenarios. Complete answers and explanations are also provided. This workbook can be used together with the guidebook as self-study material, or could be used by teachers in academic writing classrooms as a resource allowing students to practice dealing with some problematic language-related issues. C. R. HarringtonCatherine是愛爾蘭裔紐西蘭人,畢業於Waikato大學,擁有語言學、華語與外語教學等三項學位。她自1990年代起即從事英語教學工作,且特別注重寫作教學,並於2004年開始從事學術編修校稿工作。Catherine曾居於紐西蘭、歐洲和亞洲,有在各地工作的經驗,現今則居住於臺灣高雄市。 李蕙瑄譯者目前就讀於文藻外語大學,主修英文與日文,專攻文藻外語大學翻譯與會展模組課程。 |