

小學職場的性別與權力:以臺灣女性教師抗爭為例   全文下載 更多文章
Gender and Power in the Primary Teaching Workplace: A Case of Women Teachers’ Struggle in Taiwan
作者 李曉蓉



This article explores the image of women teachers as “proactive” and the manifestation of gendered power, with reference to the teacher surplus issue and an analysis of resistance to male power by female teachers in a campaign. The data presented were derived from an ethnographic study conducted at a Taiwanese primary school. Non-participant observation and semi-structured interviews were the main methods of data collection. The research suggests that the image of female teachers as a silent majority may be changing, with empirical illustrations of women displaying competence and dedication to challenge the power of the male principal. By contrast, the involvement of male teachers in this challenge seemed passive and obscure. However, the female teachers appeared to believe the participation of male teachers, their masculine presence as well as interpersonal communication and harmony were useful in facilitating their struggle. The findings expose the complexities of gender and power, which exist not only between women and men but also between men. It is argued that female teachers suffered more negative experiences than men as a result of the principal’s leadership and the structure of power relations, while male teachers were supportive and trusted allies of their principal.

起訖頁 001-042
關鍵詞 性別化權力男性間權力關係小學職場超額教師沉默女性Gendered PowerPower Relations between MenPrimary Teaching (Workplace)Teacher SurplusWomen’s Silence
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
期數 201506 (15:1期)
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
DOI 10.3966/168020042015061501001  複製DOI
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣女性大學畢業生「教育-工作不相稱」對於薪資與工作滿意度的影響


  臺灣教育社會學學會 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education
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