

臺灣女性大學畢業生「教育-工作不相稱」對於薪資與工作滿意度的影響   全文下載 更多文章
The Effects of Education-Job Mismatches on Earnings and Job Satisfaction: The Case of Female College Graduates in Taiwan
作者 洪嘉瑜銀慶貞陶宏麟

本研究以「臺灣高等教育整合資料庫」2006年畢業的女性大專生為分析對象,研究發現樣本中畢業生自評之過量教育與學非所用的比例分別高達46%30%,有「教育工作不相稱」情形者不在少數。本研究首先採用區間迴歸模型估算過量教育與學非所用者初進就業市場的薪資效果,在控制學校類型與工作特性之後,過量教育或學非所用兩者的薪資損失相近,約為9%。薪資也隨著過量教育與學用不符程度增加而減少。在控制薪資效果之後,以probit-adapted ordinary least squares(簡稱POLS)模型觀察其對工作滿意度的影響:過量教育者的工作滿意度仍低於適量教育者,但學用是否相關並不直接影響工作滿意度。相對於非常相稱者,「教育工作不相稱」的畢業生除貨幣薪資的損失之外,將較低的工作滿意度換算為貨幣損失的代價也十分可觀。


This study analyzed female college graduates listed in the Taiwanese Integrated Higher Education Database, finding that 46% identified themselves as being over-educated for their current employment, and 30% as having jobs unrelated to their fields of study. This paper adopted the interval regression model to calculate salary effects. The empirical results indicated that wage losses arising from over-education or mismatches between jobs and education were similar, at around 9%. However, wage losses increased if the relatedness between work and college major was decreased. Furthermore, the POLS model was utilized to evaluate the impact of educational mismatch on job satisfaction. After controlling for wage effects, the negative effect of over-education on job satisfaction was greater than that of work-study unrelatedness. In fact, the degree of relatedness between work and college major did not directly affect levels of job satisfaction. Finally, compared with well-matched workers, samples of college graduates whose careers did not match their education suffered not only from salary losses but also substantial financial losses that could be inferred from lower job satisfaction.

起訖頁 043-087
關鍵詞 教育-工作不相稱過量教育學非所用薪資工作滿意度education-job mismatchovereducationjob unrelated to field of studyearningsjob satisfaction
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
期數 201506 (15:1期)
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
DOI 10.3966/168020042015061501002  複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 小學職場的性別與權力:以臺灣女性教師抗爭為例
該期刊-下一篇 從壓迫到解放:南洋新移民女性自拍影片的反再現與實踐


  臺灣教育社會學學會 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education
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