

異與同:兩本繪本在新移民課程與教學上的應用   全文下載 更多文章
Differences and Similarities: The Application of Two Picture Books to the Curriculum and Instruction for New Immigrants
作者 何青蓉
Based on a core concept of the multicultural education – “Differences and similarities,” this article analyzes two picture books: Nillepu and The Big Orange Splot to explore their connotation, characteristics and significances. Further, it provides examples for applying these two picture books to the curriculum and instruction for new immigrants. In terms of the connotation of the picture books, it is analyzed by their themes, characters, plots, pictures and language skills. In terms of their characteristics, it is analyzed by the books’ readability, interest, experience, metaphors, and creation and imagination. At last, through the examination of their rational inspiration and spiritual sympathy comes to the significances of the books. The conclusions are as follows. Nillepus shows that beyond differences on the surface, people are the same. Thus, this book helps to promote people’s mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship. The Big Orange Splot shows that people can break through sameness to live with differences, and individual’s subjectivity does not interfere with group’s identity. This book thus helps to assist readers to create their uniqueness and subjectivity. In terms of the characteristics, these two books are readable, funny, experiential, metaphorical, and creative and imaginative as well. Both of them are very rational and emotional. In terms of curricular and instructional design, one can start from learners’ experiences and then follow story axes to develop their instructional activities. Through three levels of reflection, instructor can gradually lead discussions into upper concepts of the difference and sameness. Finally, this article also provides suggestions to make picture books play a greater role in curriculum and instruction.
起訖頁 017-038
關鍵詞 多元文化教育新移民課程與教學繪本multicultural educationnew immigrantcurriculum and instructionpicture book
刊名 課程研究
期數 201509 (10:2期)
出版單位 高等教育出版公司
DOI 10.3966/181653382015091002002  複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 新移民教育課程政策的侷限與突破
該期刊-下一篇 應用敘事文本於師資培育移民教育課程及其對職前教師跨文化理解之影響


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