篇名 | |
並列篇名 | Rogers’ Theory of Innovation Diffusion Discussed for Curriculum Dissemination |
作者 | 侯一欣 |
中文摘要 | 從擴散的興革背景與Rogers理論的探析,了解到擴散在推廣中的概念本質其實就是人際體系中隨著時間的訊息傳播。而為助益於訊息在人際溝通網絡的擴散,需釐清個人和組織層次的採用依據,以充分掌握教育場域的教師特性及組織脈絡。最後,依據擴散的時間特性,將個人採用時間早晚所衍生的態度進行角色分析,並對革新本身的生命週期提出有關對課程推廣的擴散層面之啟示與省思。 本篇為理論性研究,係針對革新擴散理論與課程推廣研究之相關文獻進行回顧和整理後,大致歸納出以下四個結論: 一、革新擴散理論為課程推廣的源頭,新近則有結合制度理論的趨勢。 二、Rogers的革新擴散理論有助於課程推廣的人際互動過程。 三、採用革新有個人和組織層次的考量,也有時間的先後順序之別。 四、經當代科技創新與制度理論的補充,使擴散理論在課程推廣的應用更為完善。 |
英文摘要 | Based on the academic background of diffusion and Rogers’ theory, the paper shows that diffusion is nested in the concepts of dissemination, and only restricted in message transferred by time through interpersonal communication channel. The judgment of innovation diffusion depends on personal adoption. For innovation diffusion to come true, disseminators should take individual and organizational considerations into account. Finally, the correlation between the timing of individuals’ innovation diffusion and the persons’ attitudes is analyzed, with implications on the diffusive respect of curriculum dissemination from the life cycle of innovation. This paper presents the following three conclusions after reviewing the theoretical research and sorting out the relevant literatures. First, curriculum dissemination originates from the theory of innovation diffusion, which recently integrates with institutionalization theory. Second, Rogers’ theory contributes to the interpersonal interaction of disseminating process. Third, personal adoption of innovation relies on individual and organizational considerations, with a difference in the order of time among them. Fourth, the theory of diffusion might be highlighted for the aspect of curriculum dissemination by the replenishment of the theory of contemporary information communication technology and institutionalism. |
起訖頁 | 107-145 |
關鍵詞 | 課程革新、課程推廣、課程擴散、擴散、curriculum innovation、curriculum dissemination、curriculum diffusion、diffusion |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 201709 (63:3期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
DOI | 10.3966/102887082017096303004 複製DOI |
該期刊-上一篇 | 大學學業退學制度的批判與反思 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 從美國歷史教學變遷看教育改革:評《歷史教學的今昔:學校穩定與改變的故事》 |