

國小教師教導方式與學生學習行為之關係 更多文章
作者 盧美貴
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between teachers’ instructional leadership and pupils’ learning behavior in elementary school. Teachers’ instructional leadership includes two dimensions of consideration and authority, Pupil’s learning behavior are learning motivation, learning attitude and learning disturb.The subjects are 1265 6th grader randomly selected from 28 elementary schools in Taipei, Kaoshiung, and Taiwan province. For this purpose, two kinds of questionnaires are developed One is “Teachers’ Instructional Leadership Description Questionnaire.” the other─”Students” Learning Behavior Description Questionnaire.The major findings of this study are as follows:1. Teachers’ instructional behavior has positive correlation with the students’ “learning motivation” and “learning attitude” and negative correlation with the students “learning disturb.”2. The students’ learning behavior is the best when the teachers’ instructional leadership is “high consideration, high authority” style, ‘While is low consideration, low authority” However “low consideration, high authority”, the students’ learning behavior will be no difference.3. Teachers’ authority will be promoted to boys’ learning motivation than girls’. 4. Girls’ learning attitude is better than the boys’ in primary school.5. Most of students’ learning disturb is in learning emotion, the second in learning method, the third learning environment, and teaching material and curriculum.
起訖頁 199-207
刊名 教育研究集刊
期數 198106 (23期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 國中教師在教育工作上自我實現之分析
該期刊-下一篇 影響我國大學生社會角色學習的同儕團體因素


  國立臺灣師範大學教育學系教育研究集刊 Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
10610 臺北市大安區和平東路一段162號 / No.162, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
edber@deps.ntnu.edu.tw +886-2-7749-3892 Copyright 2012 © Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University. All Rights Reserved.