篇名 | |
並列篇名 | Aesthetic Experiences and Education |
作者 | 林逢祺 |
中文摘要 | 美感經驗與創造是文化的精華,也是個人生命品質之所繫,是故文明國家莫不重視美育,以培育富美感欣賞力與創造力的國民。美育的施行預設人我的美感判斷或美感經驗有一共識;無此共識,美育無異空中樓閣。本文分析美的多樣性,說明所謂美的事物,泛指能夠引起觀賞者美感經驗的對象。美感經驗是主體忘卻利害,由對象之形象激起自由想像,並從中體驗到一種精神的昂揚或快樂的過程。美感含著快感;但快感不必然來自於美感。美感對象的優越特質,共通的文化背景,和人性等三個因素,共同建構了美感經驗與判斷的普遍基礎。美育和精彩的教學,立足在此基礎上,指引並邀約學習者進入一個美麗的國度。 |
英文摘要 | Aesthetic experiences and creations symbolize the essence of a culture, and form one of the major determinants of a person's life quality. This is the reason why most culturally advanced countries place much emphasis on aesthetic education with a view to cultivating students' abilities to enjoy or create beautiful objects. Yet, the implementation of aesthetic education presupposes a consensus among people on aesthetic judgments. Without this consensus, aesthetic education is a castle in the air. This article analyzes diverse objects judged as beautiful by ordinary people and concludes that the beautiful are things which stimulate aesthetic experiences on the part of the observers. It is argued that an aesthetic experience is produced when a disinterested subject freely imagines the form of an object, and herein gains a dignified spirit or a sense of pleasure. An aesthetic experience usually contains a sense of pleasure, and yet a sense of pleasure is not necessarily caused by aesthetic experiences. Moreover, the admirable qualities of an object, common cultural backgrounds and the human nature, collectively form the universality of aesthetic judgments. Built on this basis, aesthetic education and exciting teachings show and invite the students to the kingdom of beauty. |
起訖頁 | 155-170 |
關鍵詞 | 美感經驗、美感判斷、美育、Aesthetic experience、Aesthetic judgment、Aesthetic education |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 199807 (41期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
該期刊-上一篇 | 日本實習輔導教師制度之研究 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 多元文化學校的知識革命與教師重構--從「潛在課程」談起 |