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並列篇名 | The Legal Supervision of Educational Administration: From the Perspective of Studentship at Schools |
作者 | 許育典 |
中文摘要 | 在學關係是教育法的重要問題,但我國對其法律性質的探討卻極為有限,導致長期來被認為是特別權力關係。在大法官解釋與《教育基本法》立法下,學校成員的基本權漸受肯定,使我國的在學關係成為法律關係。在學關係做為法律關係,學校成員間存在著怎樣的權利與義務關係?學生的權利受學校或國家侵害時,應透過如何的保護程序,以救濟自己的權利?這些問題都值得深入探究。本文首先從在學關係法律性質的探討出發,經由瞭解特別權力關係的理論與實務演變過程,釐清其與在學關係的法律適用問題,以確立在學關係做為法律關係的核心內容;最後,並藉由《憲法》的體系解釋方式,從《憲法》第二十一條的國民教育基本權保障規定,探尋《憲法》在教育行政上的法律監督內涵,以補充《憲法》第一百六十二條規定的不足,藉此瞭解教育行政的法律監督內容與界限,分析《憲法》第一百六十二條國家依法律監督的意義與內涵。 |
英文摘要 | The studentship is an important issue in educational regulations. But in Taiwan there have been few research studies on the proper legal attributes of studentship. As a result, studentship has always been categorized as a special sort of power relation. However, under the decision of the Lord Chancellor and according to the basic education regulations, the basic rights of school members have been gradually affirmed. Thus studentship has become a legal relationship in Taiwan. When studentship is recognized as a legal relation, what rights and obligations should school members have? When students’ rights have been abridged by school authorities or by the state, what kind of procedures should students follow in order to protect their rights? In this essay, from the viewpoint of the Taiwanese law, we discuss the limits of the educational administration’s power and the issue of how the educational administration may stay within these limits. First of all, through an analysis of clauses 162 and 21 in Taiwan’s constitution, we find that the power of the educational administration indeed has a limit. The constitution not only gives the state the duty of monitoring the educational administration, but also sets a goal for educational supervision--which is the self-realization of each student--in order to guide the process of monitoring. |
起訖頁 | 73-101 |
關鍵詞 | 在學關係、教育行政、國家監督、Studentship、Educational administration、State supervision |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 200706 (53:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
該期刊-上一篇 | 將女人還給歷史--文藝復興時期Christine de Pizan兩性教育思想之探究 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 獨石與巨傘--多元文化主義的過與不及 |