- 迎向新世紀的教育改革--方法論之省察與國際改革趨勢之比較分析 Education Reform Facing the New Millenium--Methodological Reflection and International Comparison
- 新世紀高等教育的展望:回顧與前瞻 Towards the New Century: The Transformation of Higher Education
- 新世紀課程改革的挑戰與課程實踐理論的重建 Challenges of Curriculum Reform and the Reconstruction of Practical Theories for Curriculum Praxis for the 21st Century
- 多元文化的課程轉化與教學實踐 Multicultural Curriculum Transformation and Pedagogic Practice
- 二十世紀下半葉大陸的課程改革:回顧與前瞻 Mainland China's Curriculum Reform: Retrospect and Prospect
- 校長教學領導實際:一所國小的參與觀察 The Practice of Principal's Instructional Leadership: The Observation of an Elementary School
- 教師彰權益能的概念與實施策略 Teacher Empowerment: Concepts and Strategies
- 教育擴張對入學機會均等影響之研究 Educational Expansion and Access to Education