篇名 | |
並列篇名 | Multicultural Curriculum Transformation and Pedagogic Practice |
作者 | 湯仁燕 |
中文摘要 | 學校課程乃是各種知識、價值、觀點,以及文化展現的場域,課程內容的設計與規劃,關係著學生的學習經驗和學習品質,與教育機會均等理想的實現密切相關,因而成為多元文化教育探究的重要面向。多元文化的教育理念強調文化的多樣性、尊重差異、社會正義與機會均等,這些觀點使得學校教育原有的課程內容及知識建構方式受到質疑,激化了多元文化課程文本的論述,引發一連串的爭議。本文從多元文化課程的角度切入,描繪多元文化課程爭議的樣貌與兩難困境,再進一步論述文化差異與課程知識建構之關係,探究多元文化課程的轉化途徑,續從課程實踐典範的移轉,探討多元文化課程轉化與教學實際應有的理念和實踐走向。 |
英文摘要 | The curriculum is an area where different branches of knowledge, values, viewpoints, and cultures are displayed. Since the design and planning of its contents are related not only to students’ learning experience and quality, but also to the realization of educational opportunity equality, the curriculum has become an important facet from which researchers approach multicultural education. The emphasis of multicultural education’s rationales on diversity, respect for individual differences, social justice, and equal opportunity puts under scrutiny both the current content of curricula and approaches of knowledge construction, resulting in the keen argument of multicultural curricula and a series of controversies.This article first depicts the aspects of controversies about curricula and its dilemma from the standpoint of multicultural education, and then delves into the association between cultural differences and knowledge construction of curricula to explore the pathway of multicultural curriculum transformation. Through the shift of curriculum practice paradigm, some prospective rationales and approaches of curriculum transformation and its practice are thus revealed. |
起訖頁 | 91-115 |
關鍵詞 | 多元文化課程、課程轉化、教學實踐、Multicultural curriculum、Curriculum transformation、Pedagogic practice |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 200001 (44期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
該期刊-上一篇 | 新世紀課程改革的挑戰與課程實踐理論的重建 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 二十世紀下半葉大陸的課程改革:回顧與前瞻 |