

教育制度中的社會正義理論分析─多元觀點與比較基礎建構   全文下載 更多文章
A Study of Social Justice Theories in Educational Systems: Multiple-Perspectives and Construction of Comparative Foundation
作者 王俊斌
有關社會正義與教育公平議題之研究,當代呈現資源論轉向或能力取向理論之「後羅爾斯」思潮。在此脈絡下,本研究之目的如下:首先,對比「經濟正義」與「司法正義」,藉此說明「教育正義」內涵之特殊性及其複雜性;其次,分析英、美與華人社會「教育正義」理念及其制度運作之社會脈絡,並以此反映「教育正義」的「同語歧義」現象;第三,為解決各國教育制度之正義觀點之可比較性基礎,本研究將考察當代政治哲學研究的「後羅爾轉向」,諸如Thomas Pogge、Gerald A. Cohen、Iris M. Young、Nancy Fraser、Amartya Sen、Martha Nussbaum等學者見解,企圖以此建立多元角度之比較視野;最後,將依據多元「正義」觀點之比較視野,建構各國教育制度之社會正義比較的參照架構。
Within the context of capitalist globalization, almost all justice theories are inevitably influenced by John Rawls’s notions of “justice as fairness” or political liberalism. Recently, a number of frontier studies or critical revisions have appeared, authored by such people as Thomas Pogge, Gerald A. Cohen, Iris M. Young, Nancy Fraser, Amartya Sen, and Matha Nussbaum, which have merged to form a contemporary “Post-Rawlsian Turn”. The main purposes of this article are as follows: firstly, to analyze different theoretical claims relating to “educational justice” and assess their feasibility; secondly, to inquire into the reasons why particular educational justice discourses are raised within certain social contexts; thirdly, to discuss different perspectives of “social justice” and elaborate on their educational implications; finally, to compare different orientations towards “justice” and attempt to provide a reasonable basis for the comparative study of social justice theories in educational systems.
起訖頁 029-063
關鍵詞 後羅爾斯主義社會正義能力取向教育公平教育制度Post-Rawlsianismsocial justicecapability approacheducational equalityeducational systems
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
期數 201612 (16:2期)
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
DOI 10.3966/168020042016121602002  複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣文化在世界文化中能扮演何種角色?─John W. Meyer新制度主義對臺灣教育與文化研究的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 中小學教師證照制度的社會學分析:社會藩籬論觀點


  臺灣教育社會學學會 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education
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