

電腦輔助教學在高中數學物理實施課後輔導之研究 更多文章
作者 曾錦達
個別化教學為教育上的理想,因此教育學者對這方面的研究,不遺餘力。自從史欽納(Skinner, B.F.)倡導編序教學法及教學機以來,利用教學輔助工具以從事個別化教手的觀念及技術,已逐漸受到重視。其後由於電子計算機的發明,以其具有卓越的訊息處理能力,乃被學者所採用,而有了電腦輔助教學(Computer─Assisted Instruction )的研究及應用。此種輔助教學的方式自1950年代發展以來,各國對其教學效益及課程軟體發展上的評估結果,一般均肯定它在教學上的效用,惟因國情不同,此種結論是否也能適用於我國,亟待研究。再者國內在這方面的探討並不多,因此本研究旨在經由文獻探討,進行教學實驗,並嘗試建立電腦輔助教學的評量模式,作為學術及行政單位日後推展及評量之參考。所本研究之目的有下列七點:\r一、建立電腦輔助教學評量模式,並提供日後推廣時參考。二、探討有關電腦輔助教學的理論及實徵性研究。三、探討電腦輔助教學課程軟體的編輯理論。四、透過教學實驗,了解電腦輔助教學和傳統教學於學生的的學習成就,是否有所差異。\r五、比較不同學業成就的學生,使用電話輔助教學後,在學習成就的增加量上是否有所差異。\r六、比較電腦輔助教學和傳統教學,在學生學習速率方面是否有所差異。七、了解師生使用電腦輔助教學後,對它的態度和意見。
The main purpose of this study is to understand whether there are differences among students achievements and learning rate through CAI and traditional teaching method. This study also wants to compare the increment of high─academic with low─academic achievement groups when they have taken part in CAI. Moreover, teachers’ and students’ attitudes and opinions toward CAI are investigated, too.Methods used in this study are experimental research literature review and questionnaire survey. The sample are ninety─six students(72M╱24F)of Ming─Tao High School in Taichung. Through random sampling and random assignment, two groups are divided. The students in CAI group(49)and teachers(21)are surveyed by the questionnaire made by the researcher, and a achievement test─post─test is done by all students later.The main findings of this study are stated as follows:\r1. The students in CAI group have got the same or even better learning achievements than in traditional group. However, there are no differences between high─academic and low─academic achievement groups in achievement increment through CAI.2. As learning rate, the CAI group performs better.3. The frequency of interactions between teachers and students, and among students themselves have not decreased when CAI was implemented in teaching activities.4. Most of the teachers and students have positive attitudes toward CAI.5. CAI can applied to secondary education’s courses, especially the natural science which should be considered first, if needed.Based on these conclusions mentioned above, the researcher gives some suggestions as follows:\r1. The authorities of educational administration may consider the possibility to apply CAI in complementary learning after regular classes in secondary educational period.2. Natural science courses have the priority over others to be considered to apply CAI.3. Distinct goals should be presented in the heading and each unit of the software. 4. The length of each unit should be appropriate. 5. If the authorities of the educational administration want to implement CAI, to communicate the concepts of CAI with students teachers and administrators is necessary and important.
起訖頁 273-280
刊名 教育研究集刊
期數 198506 (27期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 行為目標的研究
該期刊-下一篇 臺北縣國中學生學校生活素質之調查研究


  國立臺灣師範大學教育學系教育研究集刊 Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
10610 臺北市大安區和平東路一段162號 / No.162, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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