

批判的教育政策分析--以高等教育整併政策為例   全文下載 更多文章
A Critical Analysis of Educational Policy: The Consolidation Policy of Taiwan's Higher Education as an Example
作者 林純雯
Since the 1980s, critical pedagogy has gradually established itsacademic status and guided teachers' teaching. It has still had little influence, however, in the field of educational policy and administration. In fact,educational policies barely diverge grom state politics, economics, or culture-they serve the advantaged and oppress the disadvantaged. To apply criticalpedagogy to policy analysis, the first part of this article surveys thedevelopment and the major concepts of critical pedagogy. The second partpresents a critical discourse analysis of educational policy with the rivalriesbetween structure and individual, ideology and cultural hegemony, and the limitsof history, contexts, and text. In the hope of broadening the scope of policymakers, administrators, and teachers, the last part criticizes the consolidationpolicy of higher education in Taiwan and exposes the illegitimate powerrelationship hidden behind it.
起訖頁 117-139
關鍵詞 批判論述政策分析整併政策Critical discoursePolicy analysisConsolidation policy
刊名 教育研究集刊
期數 200306 (49:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 共識論述與差異政略思想在學校行政革新上的和合與適用性:Habermas、Lyotard與中國「道」思想的詮釋性應用
該期刊-下一篇 高等教育整併之國際比較


  國立臺灣師範大學教育學系教育研究集刊 Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
10610 臺北市大安區和平東路一段162號 / No.162, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
edber@deps.ntnu.edu.tw +886-2-7749-3892 Copyright 2012 © Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University. All Rights Reserved.