

「教育與職業不相稱」的新測量與其對工作收入、主觀意識的影響   全文下載 更多文章
The New Measure of Education-Job Mismatch and Its Impact on Earnings and Subjective Consciousness
作者 黃毅志林俊瑩
Over the past years, many researchers have paid much attention to education-job mismatch. However, it is difficult to accumulate the research results because the measures of overeducation and controlled variables are inconsistent among existing studies. Based on the national survey data, Social Change Survey in Taiwan, this paper develops a new measure of education-job mismatch that integrates self-assessment with half standard deviation method to estimate the extent of education-job mismatch in Taiwan’s labor force and its impact on workers’ earnings and subjective consciousness, including job satisfaction, career perspective and class identification. Findings are as follows: when “education” is controlled, overeducated workers have lower earnings than adequately-educated ones; when both “education” and “earnings” are controlled, overeducated workers have lower job satisfaction and class identification, hold a more pessimisticr career perspective, and are more likely to identify with the proletariat than adequately educated ones.
起訖頁 45-83
關鍵詞 教育與職業不相稱的新測量過量教育工作收入主觀意識a new measure of education-job mismatchovereducationearningssubjective consciousness
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
期數 201006 (10:1期)
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
該期刊-上一篇 影響結構與施為之間互動關係的媒介物:小學教師的專業認同與文化知覺的分析
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣大學生畢業流向之初探


  臺灣教育社會學學會 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education
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