

影響結構與施為之間互動關係的媒介物:小學教師的專業認同與文化知覺的分析   全文下載 更多文章
The Medium for Influencing the Interactive Relations Between Structure and Agency: An Analysis of Primary School Teachers’ Professional Identity and Cultural Awareness
作者 姜添輝
不均等教育結果引發結構論與重建論兩種不同的立論,前者存在機械決定論的缺失,後者又高估個人意志的可能性,因而A. Giddens及M. Archer指出,反思性理性思維使結構與施為形成交互作用,因為此種思維能使個體評估外在結構的限制以及個人的能力,進而構成創新的行動方案,所以開啟施為的可能性。儘管上述論點化解結構與施為的對立性,但卻未能說明此種理性思維的運作方式。本文主張產生施為的反思性理性思維涉及當事者的認同以及文化知覺,認同足以影響當事者的關注面向,進而產生特定的施為。再者,文化知覺將影響他們對既存事物的看法,因而影響施為的可能性。本文據此分析國小教師的專業認同與文化知覺,以及這兩者與施為的關聯性。
For A. Giddens and M. Archer, there is an interactive relationship between structure and agency because rational reasoning allows the actor to realize structural constraints and evaluate his/her own abilities and, then, generates practical actions. Nevertheless, those two scholars may overview the power of rational reasoning. This article argues that both identity and cultural awareness are able to produce a profound influence on one’s rational reasoning that, thus, regulate practical actions. Therefore, if we would like to improve the phenomenon of cultural reproduction via primary school teachers’ agency, their identity and cultural awareness need to be taken into account.
起訖頁 1-43
關鍵詞 結構施為認同文化知覺小學教師structureagencyidentitycultural awarenessprimary school teacher
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
期數 201006 (10:1期)
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
該期刊-下一篇 「教育與職業不相稱」的新測量與其對工作收入、主觀意識的影響


  臺灣教育社會學學會 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education
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