

大學生對於同志態度之研究:以一所教育大學為例   全文下載 更多文章
College Students’ Attitudes Toward LGBT Issues: An Investigation at a University of Education
作者 張德勝王采薇
The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes toward LGBT issues for students from a university of education and to examine the attitude difference between male and female students. “The Attitude toward LGBT Issues Questionnaire” was used to survey students’ attitudes toward LGBT issues. The scale was composed of 25 items rated on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from strongly agree (4-point) to strongly disagree (1-point). These 25 items were clustered around five issues: Friendly Campus, Willing Contact, Civil Right, Stigma Discrimination, and Ethic Morality. The questionnaire was administered to 289 university students at a university of education in June, 2008. Approximately 37% of the participants identify themselves as male (n = 107), 63% as female (n = 180), and 2 make no indication. As expected, more than 90% of students agree on building a LGBT-friendly campus and more than 70% agree on willing to support LGBT rights. Female students have significantly higher percentages than do male students in building a gay-friendly campus, willing to contact and support LGBT peers, and respecting civil rights for LGBT people. However, male students have higher agreement percentages than do females in worrying stigma prejudice and violating social morality. Some suggestions regarding LGBT education in university and future research are recommended.
起訖頁 115-150
關鍵詞 同志態度大學生教育大學college studentsuniversity of educationattitudes toward LGBT
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
期數 200912 (9:2期)
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
該期刊-上一篇 家庭結構對子女學校中輟行為的影響:一個後設分析研究


  臺灣教育社會學學會 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education
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