

國小社會領域教科書中臺灣歷史人物及文本論述之批判分析   全文下載 更多文章
Critical Analysis on Historical Personages of Taiwan and Context on Social Studies Textbook of Elementary School
作者 王淑芬
First of all, this paper is researched history of Taiwanese from three current editions on social studies textbook of elementary school. Hold the method of content analysis can find out that political and military type of personages are more frequently presented inside texture; however, economic, social, and cultural type of personages have lower rate. In addition, good character person, male of Han nationality political elites are the core of the matters. Other nationality people and women seldom appear and avoid discussing their contribution.Secondly, a study with method of critical discourse analysis can find that the feature of ideology in context shows: other nationality ruled properly is repelled, and legitimacy of the regime of Han nationality praise highly. As well the Hans’ contribution to reclaim land is approved but seldom saying intelligence and contribution of aboriginals, and integration of ethnicity and culture are emphasized to ignore historical facts oppressed. Other nationality and women are reticent person in history.Finally, the teaching material of Taiwanese history on the social studies textbook of elementary school still follows the past principle of historical education. Idea and theory reforms have not gotten any remarkable advancement.
起訖頁 101-127
關鍵詞 內容分析法批判論述分析法國小社會領域教科書臺灣史歷史人物王method of content analysismethod of critical discourse analysissocial studies textbook of elementary schoolhistory of Taiwanesehistorical personages
刊名 課程研究
期數 201003 (5:1期)
出版單位 高等教育出版公司
該期刊-上一篇 遷移世代的敘事探究:維妮的故事
該期刊-下一篇 通識教育中視聽媒體的運用:以「民主與法治」課程為例


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