篇名 | |
並列篇名 | A Metavaluation Study of Self-evaluation for Taiwan's Colleges and University |
作者 | 黃曙東、蘇錦麗 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在建構一套具有信度與效度的後設評鑑檢核表,以分析2001年9所實施自我評鑑計畫大學校院的成果報告書,判斷其優缺點,進而推論34所母群體大學的整體報告書品質,並瞭解34所大學實施自我評鑑計畫之現況。本研究採用文件分析及專家檢核方法。首先,分析七年內國內外22篇後設評鑑研究報告。其次,依據美國線上評鑑資源圖書館(OERL)所建構的品質結論報告準則,並經專家審核與研究者試評,修正完成方案評鑑報告檢核表,包括執行摘要、受評方案描述、評鑑概述、評鑑設計、分析程序及結果與建議共六大項27個品質準則項目、三等量表,以及每項目之量的判斷依據;再者,由兩位研究者據之檢核,以判斷9所大學校院成果報告書的優缺點,進而推論34所大學整體報告書的品質。最後,提出結論與建議。 |
英文摘要 | In 2001, 34 of Taiwan’s colleges and universities participated in a Self-Evaluation Project (SEP), and this study set out to analyze the effectiveness of the SEP. More specifically, it set out to understand the quality (or accuracy) of the self-evaluations reported by these institutions and to determine certain problematic aspects of the current implementation of the SEP. The research methods used include content analysis and experts’ reviews. The authors asked 3 experts to revise the Quality Criteria for Reports checklist developed by the On-Line Evaluation Resource Library and, in order to construct proper validity and reliability for this checklist, randomly selected 9 colleges and universities as samples. This metaevaluation study indicated both the strengths and weaknesses of the system of self-evaluation used by these colleges and universities. In this paper the authors report these findings and also give some suggestions for a more effective self-evaluation process in the future. |
起訖頁 | 31-65 |
關鍵詞 | 大學評鑑、後設評鑑、評鑑報告、檢核表、內部評鑑、自我評鑑、University evaluation、Metaevaluation、Evaluation report、Checkist、Inter evaluation、Self-evaluation |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 200506 (51:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
該期刊-上一篇 | 日本國立大學法人化政策之研究 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 社會領域教科書的批判論述分析:方法論的重建 |