篇名 |
並列篇名 | The Design of Integrated Curriculum in High School Civics and Society Textbooks |
作者 | 蘇苑瑜、劉美慧 |
中文摘要 | 108課綱課程改革強調跨領域課程統整,規範高中公民與社會科應避免社會科學分論方式組織教材,為教科書編寫的一大挑戰。本研究旨在探討高中公民與社會科教科書跨學門統整課程設計之內涵,以及編者編寫教科書歷程中如何因應課程統整變革及其考量。本研究採二階段研究設計,第一階段透過教科書內容分析,瞭解教科書學習內容概念架構及跨學門統整課程設計情況;第二階段訪談教科書編者,探究教科書課程組織及統整課程設計背後的考量、影響因素及困境。本研究發現,高中公民與社會科教科書統整課程設計傾向學門界線分明的多學科模式。影響教科書統整課程設計之因素及困境,包含:編者認為課綱跨學門課程組織及統整規範不夠具體;編者顧及市場銷售,避免課程組織及統整設計大幅度變動;編審對學門統整認知不同,分論分工編寫方式不及因應跨學門融合設計。 |
英文摘要 | This study explores how integrated curriculum in the textbooks of Civics and Society in senior high schools were designed and how textbook editors responded to integrated curriculum reforms by adopting a two-stage research design. In the first stage, the researchers analyzed learning content structure, and in the second stage, conducted semi-structured interviews with textbook editors to explore their considerations for designing an integrated curriculum and the dilemmas of textbooks’ organization and integrated design. The main findings of this study are as follows. First, integrated curriculum in the Civics and Society textbooks of senior high schools were designed from a multidisciplinary perspective, which placed two or more disciplines side-by-side and was not a sufficient condition for interdisciplinary approach. Second, the editors believed that the definition of integrated curriculum in curriculum guidelines were ambiguous. Third, editors avoided dramatic changes in the curriculum organization with concerns to textbook marketing. Fourth, there existed a vast difference between editors and the review committee in the conception of integrated curriculum. Finally, editors did not have enough time to adjust disciplinary-based to interdisciplinary design. |
起訖頁 | 001-039 |
關鍵詞 | 公民與社會科、教科書設計、統整課程、Civics and Society、textbook design、integrated curriculum |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 202212 (68:4期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
DOI | 10.53106/102887082022126804001 複製DOI |
該期刊-下一篇 | 傾聽學生的聲音:中國大陸南方某小學五年級學生的課程詮釋 |