篇名 |
並列篇名 | On the Rationale of Cross-domain Education in the University From the Perspective of Basarab Nicolescu’s Thoughts on Transdisciplinarity |
作者 | 林建福 |
中文摘要 | 現代大學主要是以學科知識為本而建立,難以協助學生形成統整的知識觀,或使其具有解決棘手問題所需要的能力,因此亟須探究超/跨學科思想並推廣超/跨學科教育。經由本研究發現,Nicolescu超/跨學科思想從存有論闡述超/跨學科的意義,承繼並運用Stéphane Lupasco含中邏輯的識見,在量子物理學的啟發下,提出了超/跨學科中「主體、客體、互動項」的三元劃分,並論述各個實在層級之間相互關聯與依賴的複雜性公理,同時,他也提出大學必須教導超/跨學科知識等相關大學超/跨學科教育的主張。本研究提出三點建議:一、超/跨學科的思潮與理念提醒我們檢視以學科為本之大學教育處境;二、必須闡明思想、理念史與學科的同構關係,特別是十七世紀機械論物理學或Descartes思想對當代大學所造成的影響;三、立基於Nicolescu途徑之類超/跨學科思想,審視大學跨域教育中所提供的跨域或超/跨學科課程。 |
英文摘要 | Modern universities organized mainly on the basis of academic disciplines face significant challenges in fostering both learners’ knowledge integration and their abilities to solve wicked problems. Carrying out Transdisciplinarity (TD) research and promoting TD education, therefore, are urgently needed. To bridge the gap, this study examines Basarab Nicolescu’s TD thoughts and discusses their significance in TD education at universities. Three findings were revealed. Firstly, Nicolescu presents his unique TD thoughts from an ontological standpoint. Secondly, being inspired by quantum physics and Stéphane Lupasco’s Logic of the Included Middle, Nicolescu proposes his ternary partition “Subject, Object, Interaction term/Hidden Third” and discusses TD complexity axiom of the interconnection and interdependence among levels of Reality. Thirdly, Nicolescu provides advices regarding TD education in the universities, including the inculcation of TD knowledge. This study ends with three suggestions: 1) the discipline-based education at modern universities should be reexamined; 2) a special light should be shed on the isomorphic relation among thought, the history of ideas and disciplines; and 3) in the light of Nicolescu’s TD thoughts, the cross-domain or TD curricula offered at universities should be critically scrutinized. |
起訖頁 | 001-041 |
關鍵詞 | 大學跨域/超(跨)學科、尼古列斯庫、超/跨學科、Basarab Nicolescu、cross-domain or transdisciplinary education in university、transdisciplinarity |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 202303 (69:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
DOI | 10.53106/102887082023036901001 複製DOI |
該期刊-下一篇 | 運用「小老師」任務於特教師培素養導向課程之教學行動研究 |