臺灣教育社會學研究 Taiwan Journal of Sociology of Education |
.熱門線上 ◎教育學者e致推薦:高等教育知識庫
社會網絡與心理幸福因果關聯的方向性之探討: 臺東師院追蹤調查資料的貫時性分析/林俊瑩、黃毅志
200606 (6:1期)期所有篇 |
- 社會網絡與心理幸福因果關聯的方向性之探討:臺東師院追蹤調查資料的貫時性分析 The Study on the Directionality of Causal Relationship between Social Network and Psychological Well-Being: A Longitudinal Analysis of Panel Survey's Data from National Taitung Teachers College
- 國小學生家長參與學校教育行為之影響機制探討:以高雄縣市為例 The Influential Mechanism of Parental Involvement in Elementary Schools: Taking Kaohsiung County and City as Examples
- 教育批判研究的系譜學分析:一種後殖民的閱讀 Genealogical Analysis of Critical Studies in Education: A Postcolonial Reading
- 國小五年級課堂內師生權力關係之研究 A Study on Power Relationships between Teacher and Students in the Fifth Grade Classroom