查詢結果:4 | ||||
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 刊期 |
1 | 21世紀素養導向教學教師表現指標之發展:來自IB教育理念與實務的啟示 Developing Teacher Performance Indicators for 21st Century Competency-Oriented Teaching and Learning: Implications From IB Philosophy and Practices |
甄曉蘭、李秀芬、林曦平、Iwan A. J. Sianturi | 2024/12 | 教育研究集刊 |
2 | 日本東京都中小學教師評鑑制度之探討 New Teacher Appraisal System in Primary and Middle Schools of Tokyo |
鄭淑華、楊思偉 | 2010/03 | 教育研究集刊 |
3 | 教學卷宗在中小學教師專業評鑑的應用--評析NBPTS經驗 Teaching Portfolios as a Tool for Teacher Appraisal: A Critical Evaluation of the Experiences of America's National Board for Professional Teaching Standards |
宋曜廷、劉俊廷 | 2007/03 | 教育研究集刊 |
4 | 大學教師績效評鑑模型之應用及探討--以一所大學為例 Analysis of the Theoretical Basis and Practical Applicability of a College Teacher's Achievement Evaluation Model: The Case Study of a National University in Hsinchu |
陳芃婷、李宗耀、虞孝成、曾國雄 | 2003/12 | 教育研究集刊 |
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