

自我心理學的理論架構 更多文章
A Synthesizing outline of the Psychology of Self concept
作者 郭為藩李安德
社學學的創建者孔德(August Comte)在其成名作實證哲學大網(Cours de philosophie positive, 1830 1842)闡述人類知識的發展,分為:(1)神學或設想階段(2)玄學或抽象階段(3)科學或實證階段。並指出人類精神的進化,顯示於知識由神學而玄學至科學的演進,而科學的特質在實證性,以此說明建立社會學的必要性與必然性(註一),此一論證向為學界所熟知。事實上,從十九世紀末期至二十世紀初葉,社會科學家孜孜建構的社會學、心理學、人類學等,一方面試圖脫離哲學門。所以「社會學」一詞出現前,孔稱其為「社會物理學」,而心理學在草創時期幾乎以生理學或物理學為模擬的對象。在這種社會科學「自然科學化」的潮流下,也有少數學者獨具慧眼,看清社會與人文現象究竟與自然現象本質上有所不同,瑪斯韋柏(Max Weber)與斯普蘭格(Edouard Spranger)就是具體例子。到了二十世紀,心理學可以說是籠罩在行為主義與精神分析兩大理論派系下,分庭抗禮,特別是人格心理學為然。然而從艾德洛(Alfred Adler)開始,獨樹個別心理學的旗幟,到一九四0年代以後,奧爾波特(Grodon Allport)、馬士洛(Abraham Maslow)、羅傑斯(Carl Rogers)繼起倡導自我理論,揭櫫人文主義心理學(Humanistic phychology)大幟,欲與前述兩大陣營鼎足而三,自許為「心理學上的第三勢力」(註二)。稍後,「存在論心理學」(Exisential psychology),「知覺心理學」(Perceptual psychology)...之類名詞亦前後呼應,為自我心理學聲援,成為近年來心理學領域的「顯學」,專門論著不計其數,真是風起雲湧,已成氣候。
Theories of Self or Selfconcept appear to be gaining the enthusiastic support of many thoughtful psychologists today. Although a review of these theories and studies shows that there is little agreement about their statement, even without an explicit meaning in their definitions of basic notions the Psychology of Selfconcept still well definitions of basic notions, the Psychology of Selfconcept still well prove itself a valuable discipline to know better human behaviors and hisher personality. This paper attempts to summarize a considerable literatures of research bearing on Selfconcept theories and to provide a skeletal outline based on which the authors are going to write a book. An extensive bibliography of reference sources available in local libraries an idea of the range of published research and a comprehensive overview of the theoretical framework as well.
Part I:Introduction
1. Historical background of Selfconcept research
2. Meaning and nature of Selfconcept
ParT II:Self and society
3.Socialization and formation of the Self
4. Self and role
5. Moral development and Self
Part III:Self in everyday life
6.Selfconcept and mental health
7.Self and defense mechanisms
8.Selfconcept and psychopathology
Part IV:Measurement of Selfconcept
9.Mothodological considerations about the measurement of selfconcept
10.Main instruments for the measurement of selfconcept
Part V:Change of Selfconcept
11.Strategies for changing the selfconcept
12.Selfconcept and its educational implications.
起訖頁 51-146
刊名 教育研究集刊
期數 197906 (21期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 從教育的立場看人生
該期刊-下一篇 學校文化的教育設計


  國立臺灣師範大學教育學系教育研究集刊 Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
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