

資優班生的系統性壓力:落後者觀點 更多文章
Systematic Pressures of Students in the Gifted Class: From the Underachievers’ Perspectives
作者 吳玟秀曾正宜
Many students are fascinated with the idea of attending gifted classes but know little about their true nature and high demands. While the purpose of gifted education is to facilitate students with talents in actualizing their potential, people rarely consider whether gifted classes are suitable for every qualified student. In fact, the underachievers in gifted classes bear the conflicting dual labels of “gifted students” and “underachievers,” and these dual pressures are rarely understood. Based on the qualitative research paradigm, we conducted in-depth interviews with four students who attended a high school math-science academic gifted class years ago and suffered from falling behind and maladjustment. We used the bioecological model and the holistic content method to analyze the pressures they experienced from the environmental systems, including social culture (Macrosystem), school regulations, class teaching, and family (Mesosystem and Microsystem). We explored the meanings of these experiences in their life-development from the Chronosystem perspective. We found that schools, teachers, and families tended to treat students in the gifted class as homogeneous, which not only overlooked students’ individual needs but also aggravated the pressures from dual labeling. We hope this study will draw attention to the heterogeneity and diverse needs among students in gifted classes and bridge the gap between the ideals and practices in gifted education.
起訖頁 081-121
關鍵詞 系統性壓力落後生資優教育數理資優班systematic pressureunderachievergifted educationmath and science gifted program
刊名 教育研究集刊
期數 202309 (69:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.53106/102887082023096903003  複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 國際文憑組織「個人與社會」教科書素養導向統整課程設計之分析
該期刊-下一篇 書評:評《學校如何做政策:中學校園的政策施展》


  國立臺灣師範大學教育學系教育研究集刊 Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
10610 臺北市大安區和平東路一段162號 / No.162, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
edber@deps.ntnu.edu.tw +886-2-7749-3892 Copyright 2012 © Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University. All Rights Reserved.