

朝向一個創造「共好」的課程推展體系探究:機制建立與人才培育取向   全文下載 更多文章
Toward a "Sharing Good" Curriculum Promotion Mechanisms: The Approach on System and Talent Cultivation
作者 陳美如莊惠如
The purpose of this study is to theoretically describe and practically discuss curriculum promotion systems which are both in process and already in place. The study uses theory as well as practical observation to explore curriculum possibilities and look for other possible promotion systems as well. But most importantly, the study promotes the establishment of curriculum promotion systems to ensure the development of persons involved in the curriculum reform, and to ensure that practical experience and wisdom is integrated into the reform process.
In order to achieve these aims, this paper thoroughly discusses current curriculum promotion systems in Taiwan and abroad. The study also employs seminars group discussions to investigate relevant issues, current problems, ideal models, and concrete measures. Specialist scholars at each of these three levels are invited to conduct seminars and advising sessions. The study will also thoroughly review relevant literature and documentation to adequately understand the organizational structure and responsibilities implicit in the curriculum promotion system, to understand the interactive nature of the organizational parts of the system, and to understand strategy and talent cultivation dimensions of the system.
The Study's conclusions and recommendations are as follows: (1) Curriculum promotion doesn't limit in courses, but connects with person. The idea declaring, communication and core concern for staff development in curriculum promotion need to remind and implement constantly and developed amongst education workers. (2) In a curriculum promotion system, efforts are not uni-directional but rather multi-directional. The whole system can be thought of as its own ecosystem which is based on the mutual interaction of its members. As such, communication, dialogue and interaction are crucial for the development of the curriculum. (3) The National Academy for Educational Research is the nerve center and the main driving force behind the national curriculum. Adjustments need to be made to the organization, and specialized personnel and funding should support these projects. (4) The National Curriculum Review should act as a permanent mechanism which can promote a common understanding of curriculum reform at both government and citizen levels. (5) Experimental schools should be employed to experiment with and develop curriculum, making the contents of curriculum reform more feasible. (6) Teacher training institutions should play a supporting role administered through different districts, and should offer advising services and cultivate needed talent. (7) Teachers should play an active, central, positive role in the curriculum promotion system. (8) Build a life-long professional development system to cultivate a cooperation and practicing environment.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 人才培育課程改革課程推展體系talent cultivationcurriculum reformcurriculum promotion system
刊名 課程研究
期數 201203 (7:1期)
出版單位 高等教育出版公司
DOI 10.3966/181653382012030701001  複製DOI
該期刊-下一篇 課程推展體系與協作治理機制的實踐與反思:以中央層級課程與教學輔導組織為例的探討


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