查詢結果:4 | ||||
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 刊期 |
1 | 新移民教育課程政策的侷限與突破 Limits and Breakthrough of Curriculum Policy Surrounding Education for New Immigrants in Taiwan |
黃政傑 | 2015/09 | 課程研究 |
2 | 現階段原住民民族課程政策發展之多元文化課程轉化評析 The Review of Multicultural Curriculum Transformation on Indigenous Ethnic Curriculum Policy Development |
王前龍 | 2015/03 | 課程研究 |
3 | 中小學課程政策改革之研究:九年一貫課程的回顧與前瞻 A Study on Curriculum Reform Policies of Elementary and Secondary School: Focusing on the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Reform |
吳俊憲、黃政傑 | 2010/09 | 課程研究 |
4 | 課程的「軟」和「硬」政策實施:教師層面的理解 The Implementation of “Soft” and “Hard” Policy on the School Curriculum: Teachers’ Perspectives |
陳健生、甘國臻、霍秉坤 | 2008/09 | 課程研究 |
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