

Axel Honneth的認肯理論及其教育蘊義   全文下載 更多文章
Axel Honneth’s Recognition Theory and Its Implications for Education
作者 陳仲翰
本研究旨在探究Axel Honneth的認肯理論,並闡釋其在教育上的意義。本研究基於運用哲學思考法與文本詮釋學方法對Honneth的認肯理論進行理解、分析與重構出認肯理論的重要面向與實踐意涵。首先,對認肯理論的理論基礎進行探究,並分析認肯理論的結構與相應原則;其次,將Honneth認肯理論放在其所運用的個體情感發展、社會機制反思與法理政治實踐層面進行具體分析,闡釋對現代性影響下各行動領域之發展與問題的分析;最後,基於前述對Honneth認肯理論的研究,分析在當今民主社會中教育存在之病態與可能性,並在情感、法理與社會層級中,以自愛、自尊與自我實現為目標,具體從認知、情意與技能三面向提出在教育上的理論面與應用面的蘊義。
This paper sets out to understand, analyze and reconstruct the dimensions and practical meanings in Axel Honneth’s recognition theory through philosophical thinking and textual hermeneutics. Firstly, it investigates the theoretical bases for Honneth’s recognition theory, and analyzes the structure and principles of recognition theory. Secondly, it analyzes different dimensions of recognition theory, including individual emotional development, reflection on social institutions and legal-political praxis in modern capitalist society. Based on the analyses, it explores the development and problems of each field of action under the influence of modernity. Finally, based on the preceding discussion of Honneth’s recognition theory, it analyzes pathologies and possibilities in education, discussing emotional, legal and social levels and three self-relations to propose implications for theory and application in education.
起訖頁 087-130
關鍵詞 Axel Honneth認肯自我實現社會自由教育病理學Axel Honnethrecognitionself-realizationsocial freedomeducational pathologies
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
期數 201912 (19:2期)
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
DOI 10.3966/168020042019121902003  複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 教育工作者與邊緣青少年的相遇:互動分析及教師的反身之知


  臺灣教育社會學學會 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education
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