篇名 | |
並列篇名 | Teachers as Curriculum Evaluators: Analysis of Cooperation Evaluation Process |
作者 | 陳美如 |
中文摘要 | 臺灣在此次九年一貫課程的改革熱潮中,教師成為課程發展者,即需要自我反省,如何經由反省回顧,以踏實向前,是目前投身於教改中教師群的心聲。而「教師即課程評鑑者」以教師作為課程評鑑主體的理念與作法,將有助於長期進行課程改革,也唯有當課程評鑑成為教師教學生活中的一環時,透過評鑑促發改進的動力才能源源不絕,課程改革之路方能長久。本研究實地進入一所學校,與教師合作從事課程評鑑,了解教師從事作為課程評鑑者在合作評鑑過程中(指標詮釋、評鑑工具擬訂、實地評鑑)的想法。研究結果有以下結論:「教師即課程評鑑者」理念可行,但須專家支持;專家適時協助輔導有利課程評鑑的進行,但在教師學會評鑑後要逐漸退出;合作評鑑過程的指標詮釋與評鑑工具的擬訂、有助於教師了解課程評鑑內涵;教師參與課程評鑑,其關心的層面擴展;教師從課程評鑑中真誠的反省與討論,可促進自我的理解,亦能提升教師的專業。 |
英文摘要 | Facing the recent nine-year consistent curriculum reform in Taiwan, teachers become curriculum developers. They need to be self-reflective and try to learn how to progress through self-reflection.Therefore, the concept and practices of “teachers as curriculum evaluators” are useful in promoting ongoing curriculum reform. Only when curriculum evaluation becomes a part of teachers teaching career, will the motivation power generated by evaluation be long-lasting to give continuous impetus to curriculum reform. The research entered a school and cooperated with teachers to evaluate curriculum in order to understand the ideas of teachers in cooperation evaluation (including curriculum evaluation indicators interpretation, developing curriculum evaluation tools, and practicing curriculum evaluation). The results of the research are as follows: firstly, the concept of “Teachers as curriculum evaluators” is applied, but the assistants of professional researcher is necessary. Secondly, when teachers can evaluate curriculum, the professional researcher shall leave teachers. Thirdly, teacher can understand the meaning of curriculum through evaluating curriculum. Fourth, teachers expand their awareness about curriculum through evaluating curriculum. The last, teachers improve the self-understanding and professional development by reflection and discussion in curriculum evaluation. |
起訖頁 | 185-230 |
關鍵詞 | 課程評鑑、教師專業成長、課程改革、Curriculum evaluation、Teacher professional development、Curriculum reform |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 200203 (48:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
該期刊-上一篇 | 國民中學英語課程與教學革新之個案研究 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 高職新任教師專業實踐理論發展之研究 |