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並列篇名 | Developing Vocational High School Novice Teachers' Professional Practical Theories |
作者 | 陳美玉 |
中文摘要 | 新任教師階段乃是決定一位教師日後是否能順利專業發展的關鍵期,尤其是新任教師在專業上的教與學經驗,更會強而有力的反映在教師生涯態度及專業行為上。筆者基於對高職新任教師專業發展的關懷,乃透過文獻分析、合作自傳法、晤談法與內容分析法等,藉由新任教師專業實踐理論的建構與發展作為媒介,針對七位公私立高級職業學校的新任教師,進行為期十個月的研究,期能更實質的協助高職新任教師進行更有效的專業發展。本研究結果所獲得的重要結論,包括:新任教師專業實踐理論的建構確具有提升個人專業知覺,引導新任教師專業實踐與未來發展方向的價值;新任教師專業實踐理論發展大多與個人的直接經驗有關,且具有高度生活史的特性;新任教師的專業發展過程顯得相當孤立與具個人主義色彩等六項。 |
英文摘要 | In order to improve effective professional development of novice teachers, this study utilizes the literature review, collaborative autobiography, interview and content analysis to construct and develop the professional practical theories for novice teachers of a vocational high school. This study propeses six conclusions: (1) the construction of novice teachers’ professional practical theories can improve professional perception and lead the direction of professional development, (2) the professional development and socialization of novice teachers exhibit the feature of life history, (3) the professional developmental processes of novice teachers are isolation and personalization, and schools seldom provide supportive systems, (4) the main influential factors of construction and development of novice teachers’ professional practical theories are teaching experience, the apprenticeship of observation, life history and teaching conditions, (5) novice teachers can define the directions of their professional development, (6) the construction and development of teachers’ professional practical theories effectively improve the professional development of novice teachers. |
起訖頁 | 231-266 |
關鍵詞 | 新任教師、教師專業實踐理論、合作自傳法、生活史分析、Novice teacher、Teacher's professional practical theory、Collaborative autobiography、Life history analysis |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 200203 (48:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
該期刊-上一篇 | 「教師即課程評鑑者」之實踐探究:合作評鑑過程的分析 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 從教師的觀點探討兒童學習網站之評鑑 |