篇名 | |
並列篇名 | An Analysis on the Reforms of Upper Secondary Curriculum--An European Point of View |
作者 | 林永豐 |
中文摘要 | 本文從鉅觀的角度探討歐洲各國後期中等教育課程改革的議題,強調普通課程與職業課程間統整與分流的關係,並據以分析整體的改革趨勢。本文指出:後期中等教育課程可以依照兩個指標加以分析。首先,根據普通與職業課程分流與統整的程度,各國的課程可以歸納為三種主要類型:分軌型、連結型與統整型課程。其次,各國課程也可以根據不同課程原則間相關聯的程度,區分為孤立型課程與關聯型課程。針對歐洲近十年來課程政策的分析發現,兩股一般性的改革趨勢相當明顯;一方面,各國致力於減緩普通與職業課程間互斥的分立狀況,改革的方向在於從分軌走向統整;另一方面,各國也試圖兼顧並均衡過去被視為不相容的課程原則,改革的方向在於從孤立走向關聯。因此,本文認為:歐洲各國後期的中等教育課程正在逐漸轉型,從高分化∕低關聯的傳統課程,邁向低分化∕高關聯的未來課程。 |
英文摘要 | The aim of this article is to explore the trends of development of the upper secondary curriculum in different European countries. In particular, this paper highlights the relationship between the general and the vocational curricula and their transformation in the face of common challenges in the last decades. The analysis is based on a two-dimension conceptual framework, On the one hand, according to the degree of differentiation between general and vocational curriculum, different curricula can be conceptualized as tracked, linked or unified curriculum. On the other hand, different principals of curriculum could be seen as exclusive or compatible. Thus, the insular and the connective models of curriculum can be distinguished. Recognizing the variation of different policies in different aspects, it is argued in this paper that two general trends can still be identified. First, all different types of upper secondary curricula have tried to reduce the degree of differentiation between general and vocational curricula which were formerly seen as divided. The trend is a move from the traced to the unified model. Second, different principles of curriculum have been increasingly seen as compatible rather than exclusive. The trend is a move from the insular to the connective model. Therefore, this paper concludes by suggesting that a general development of the upper secondary curriculum in Europe is towards a low differentiated / high connective model of the curriculum of the future. |
起訖頁 | 35-63 |
關鍵詞 | 後期中等教育、課程、教育改革、Upper secondary education、Curriculum、Educational reform |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 200203 (48:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
該期刊-上一篇 | 教材選擇的知識判準 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 學校本位課程發展權力重整問題之批判分析 |