

從需求面探究技術學院教職員評鑑能力建立之內涵   全文下載 更多文章
The Needs in Evaluation Capacity Building of the Faculty in Technical Colleges
作者 曾淑惠謝佩蓉
評鑑能力建立在各國高等教育機構已有二十餘年的實踐歷程,我國技術學院在當前的評鑑成果下顯示,不僅技術學院的辦學品質有待提升,教職員的評鑑能力亦亟待加強。為奠立技術學院教職員評鑑能力建立的基礎,本研究旨在建構評鑑能力建立需求量表,並調查技術學院教職員對評鑑能力建立的需求程度。經文獻分析、訪談11 位專家、6 位專家審查及問卷調查1,054 位技術學院教職員後發現,技術學院教職員評鑑能力建立的需求,除了從文獻中所彙整的能力內涵外,尚由訪談發掘數項特殊需求;而不同背景教職員對於評鑑能力建立之需求程度,達統計上顯著水準,值得進一步探究成因。研究結論包括:一、評鑑能力建立需求量表包含「理解評鑑工作之方針」、「熟悉評鑑工作之要求」、「參與評鑑工作之運作」、以及「落實評鑑工作之內涵」等四大面向共21 題項,經驗證結果模式適配情形良好。二、技術學院教職員對評鑑能力建立的需求顯著高於高度需求的程度。最後根據研究結果,提出四項具體建議以供參考。
The evaluation capacity building has been practiced over twenty years among higher educational organizations. The results of technical college evaluation in our country reveal that both the quality of educational management and the evaluation capacity of the faculty need to be improved. To better build the foundation of the evaluation capacity for the faculty in technical colleges, the purpose of this study aims to construct the scale of the needs in evaluation capacity building and to investigate the demands of the staff in technical colleges on evaluation capacity building. The scale construction process includes the literature analysis, interview from 11 experts, consultation with 6 experts, and the questionnaires from 1,054 faculty in technical colleges. The results of interview indicate that there are specific needs in evaluation capacity building of the faculty in technical colleges besides the capacities listed in the references. In addition, faculty of different backgrounds calls for different evaluation capacity building, which requires further investigation. The overall conclusions are as the follows: First, evaluation capacity building scale contains four dimensions. They are: (1) realizing the principle of evaluation, (2) being familiar with the intension of evaluation, (3) getting involved in valuation,and (4) practicing evaluation management. The scale has four subscales with 21 questions. After the confirmatory factor analysis, the model fit is good. Second, the needs in evaluation capacity building for the faculty in technical colleges are much higher than the higher demand level. Finally, four suggestions are proposed.
起訖頁 97-122
關鍵詞 評鑑能力建立教職員技術學院evaluation capacity buildingfacultytechnical colleges
刊名 教育研究集刊
期數 200912 (55:4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 從後現代學校行政倫理觀點探索管理智慧──以一所國民中學為例


  國立臺灣師範大學教育學系教育研究集刊 Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
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