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並列篇名 | What is the Best Way to Teach the Deaf People: A Sociological Survey on Teachers' Perspectives |
作者 | 賀曉星 |
中文摘要 | 聾人教師在聾教育界地位邊緣化或被排除在外是一個值得關注的現象,聾教育的世界幾乎成了聽人當主角的舞臺,成?了一項聽人幫助聾人矯正聾人的事業。調查顯示聾人雖然和聽人共有一個日常生活世界,但卻是一種異文化的存在。這一異文化的世界是以「視覺優先」?特點的,在這個世界中,「相似」成?邏輯的原理、成?秩序的保證,詞與物、能指與所指緊密地相貼在一起,「看」取代「聽」成?認識事物的主要手段。如果缺乏對聾文化的理解,「幫助」和「矯正」的善意很可能會變?一種文化的強制,對這一點需要有一種社會學的清醒意識。在視覺主位元的讀圖時代,聾教育有可能通過重視視覺的課程改革,讓更多的聾人教師參與教育,也能提供聾人更好的服務。 |
英文摘要 | The fact that deaf teachers now are marginalized or excluded from deaf education in contemporary China commands more attention. The world of deaf education is almost a stage on which hearing people, but not deaf people, play as main actors. And it nearly becomes an undertaking hearing people help and cure the deaf. As my survey shows, there exists a kind of different culture, although the deaf share a common daily life with hearing people. The world of the deaf is characterized as the visual priority and “resemblance”, and word and thing, or in other words, significant and signifie united closely. It is “watching”, not “hearing”, that becomes the main way in understanding the world, that ensures the principle of logic and the order of things. There is danger of cultural compulsory in taking deaf education as a goodwill of “helping” and “curing”, if we are lack of understandings on the deaf culture. However, in the age of visually-oriented society, deaf education could probably help more deaf teachers to take part in the education, and offer the deaf much better service through a reform of curriculum in which visual materials are used as the main tool for communication rather than sound. |
起訖頁 | 85-124 |
關鍵詞 | 聾教育、局限編碼、相似性、視覺優先、讀圖時代、Deaf education、Restricted code、Resemblance、Visual priority、The age of visually-oriented society |
刊名 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
期數 | 200612 (6:2期) |
出版單位 | 臺灣教育社會學學會 |
該期刊-上一篇 | 大學指定科目考試跨考數學議題之初探 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 女性軍訓教官的職場困境:以已婚育有子女者為例的性別分析 |