篇名 | |
並列篇名 | The Model for the Transformation of Teacher Role: A Process with the Teacher Agency as a Pivot |
作者 | 郭丁熒 |
中文摘要 | 教師角色轉化模式不曾進行實證性研究,以致重要構念間的因果關係與重要假設均未獲驗證。本文經由實證研究建立了一個涉及五個重要構念的因果模型,並以結構方程式考驗六個尚未獲得證實的重要假設。依文獻探討提出含有五個潛在變項、六個假設的初始模式,並以臺灣小學教師為樣本進行調查研究,再採結構方程式對851位有效樣本進行模式的驗證。研究發現如下:1.教師角色轉化模式共包含「教師角色變遷」、「不合理要求」、「轉化施為」、「轉化資源」、「轉化結果」等五項潛在變項。2.教師角色轉化模式以教師的「轉化施為」為樞紐。3.教師角色轉化乃教師施為與外在社會結構間作用的歷程。4.教師面對角色變遷到轉化結果的產生,有三條可能路徑。本研究結論顯示,教師面對角色變遷,教師的施為具有關鍵性地位。教師轉化資源愈高,轉化施為愈多,進而提升轉化結果。因此,本研究提出「增進施為的展現」、「提供反省與探究的學習環境」、「學習如何尋找轉化資源」以及對未來研究之建議。 |
英文摘要 | The model for the transformation of teacher role, which is important to empower teachers to face their role change, is still unclear because the empirical study on this topic has not been explored. This study constructs a model contains five important components and tests six important hypotheses that were not confirmed in the literature. Based on the literature research, an initial model that contains five latent variables and six hypotheses was proposed. This model was subsequently confirmed using the method of structure equation modeling to analyze the survey data obtained from 851 subjects in elementary schools. The results of this study clearly indicate that five components are contained in the model, and the component of teachers’ Agencies is the pivot of the model. There are three possible routes from Change of teacher role to the Outcomes of transformation. Furthermore, the transformation of teacher role is a process in which teachers’ agencies interact with the social structure, i.e. Change of teacher role and Outcomes of transformation. Four suggestions are also recommended. |
起訖頁 | 1-36 |
關鍵詞 | 教師、小學、轉化、角色、elementary school、role、transformation、teacher |
刊名 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
期數 | 200912 (9:2期) |
出版單位 | 臺灣教育社會學學會 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 臺灣中部地區國民小學教師社會地位知覺與專業認同之研究 |