臺灣教育社會學研究 Taiwan Journal of Sociology of Education |
.熱門線上 ◎教育學者e致推薦:高等教育知識庫
後現代主義、超現代主義與美國帝國:教育上的蘊義/Mike Cole
200506 (5:1期)期所有篇 |
- 後現代主義、超現代主義與美國帝國:教育上的蘊義 Postmodernism, Transmodernism and the United States Empire: Some Educational Implications
- 在地化與全球化之間:解嚴後臺灣課程改革論述的擺盪 Between the Local and the Global: The Shifting Discourses of Curriculum Reform after the Post-Martial Era of Taiwan
- 臺灣的升學問題:教育社會學理論與研究之檢討 The Problem of Entering Advanced Schools in Taiwan: A Sociology of Education Review on Theory and Research
- 對師資培育政策中市場化論述的批判反省 The Critical Reflection on the Market Discourse in Teacher Education Policy
- 臺灣地區中小學教師心理幸福特質之探討:與其他職業的比較 High and Elementary School Teachers' Psychological Well-Being in Taiwan: Compared with Other Occupations