出版倫理聲明 出版 投稿至《比較教育》(以下簡稱本刊)之作者應遵行本出版倫理聲明。 投稿至本刊之論文須經由至少兩名相關領域專家學者進行同儕審查。 審查歷程中考量的規準包括投稿論文之研究品質、重要性、原創性、新穎性、相干性以及用詞流暢性。 本刊編輯委員會有接受、修改後接受或不予接受論文之決定權。 經修改後之論文並不保證會被接受。 經退稿之論文將不再次審查。
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Section I: Publication By submitting a paper to "Journal of Comparative Education" the author accepts this Publication ethics statement. All papers submitted to "Journal of Comparative Education" are subject of a peer-review process by at least two international reviewers who are experts in the field of the submitted paper. The criteria taken into account in the review process are quality, significance, originality, innovation, relevance, and language. Possible decisions taken by "Journal of Comparative Education" Editorial Board are acceptance, acceptance with revisions, or rejection. There is no guarantee that a revised paper will be accepted. Rejected papers will not be re-reviewed.
Section II: Authorship All papers submitted to "Journal of Comparative Education" should have a relevant reference list of references. All "Journal of Comparative Education" papers should be original. Plagiarism in any form and fraudulent data are not acceptable. All "Journal of Comparative Education" papers should be original. Plagiarism in any form and fraudulent data are not acceptable. "Journal of Comparative Education" does not publish papers with same exact material from another journal.
Section III: Authors responsibilities Authors must ensure that: their papers are their original work; their papers have not previously been published elsewhere; all sources used in the creation of their papers are identified; all data in the papers are real and authentic; all authors (in case of co-authorship) have significantly contributed to the research. Authors are also obliged to: participate in the peer review process; provide retractions or corrections of mistakes; report any errors they discover in their published papers. Authors must notify the Editors of any conflicts of interest.
Section IV: Reviewers responsibilities Reviews should be conducted objectively, fairly, with no personal criticism of the author. Reviewed papers should be treated confidentially. Reviewers should: be academically qualified to review the paper; have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, any of the authors, research sponsors, companies or institutions; express their views clearly with supporting arguments; identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors and/or any substantial similarity between the manuscript under consideration and other published papers.
Section V: Editors responsibilities Editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject or accept a paper. Editors are responsible for the contents and overall quality of the publication. Editors should: have no conflict of interest with respect to papers they reject or accept; guarantee the quality of papers; only accept a paper when reasonably certain; preserve the anonymity of reviewers; ensure that all papers they publish conform to internationally accepted ethical guidelines; promote publication of correction or retraction, when errors are found. The Editor-in-Chief of "Journal of Comparative Education" has the authority to take final decisions on the acceptance and rejection of a submitted paper after examining the reviews and consulting other editorial board members when appropriate. The Editor-in-Chief should not use any prejudice against authors and should not have any conflict of interest with respect to papers under consideration.
Section VI: Publishing ethics issues The Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Board members and the International Advisory Board members of "Journal of Comparative Education" are committed to: safeguarding the publishing ethics; maintaining high levels of intellectual and scientific standards, without the interference of commercial revenue and business needs; protecting and enhancing the peer review process; publishing corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed; ensuring that plagiarism and fraudulent data are not tolerated.