篇名 | |
並列篇名 | The Critical Reflection on the Market Discourse in Teacher Education Policy |
作者 | 謝卓君 |
中文摘要 | 本文從政策社會學的觀點出發,首先說明市場化論述的特徵,分析我國師資培育政策文本內含之市場化論述,之後再借重英國的改革經驗和國外學者對其之批判,作為反思我國師資培育改革之能量。研究結果指出,我國的師資培育市場化論述是由「多元開放」、「需求」、「專業」三股政策論述彼此妥協和互動下的產物,而修訂通過的師資培育法即是這些政策論述互動下的共同產物。最後,本文指出運用市場邏輯於師資培育政策時的警惕:(1)容易忽略民主協商的價值。(2)確保教育市場機制健全運作的困難。(3)無法保證多元師資的培育。 |
英文摘要 | This paper discussing the market discourse from the view of policy sociology can be divided into three parts. Firstly, the researcher illustrates the features of the market discourse and reviews the critiques about the education reform affected by the market discourse. After that, the paper synthesizes the recent reform in teacher education policy in Taiwan and reviews market discourse in the official documents. Finally, it shows that the policy discourses-diversity, demand, and specialty-merged into the market discourse. The Teacher Education Policy is the effect of the market discourse and the critical reflections on that are: (1) the democratic deliberation is likely to be ignored; (2) the regular operation of the market mechanism is difficult to be assured; (3) the diversification of teacher quality cannot be guaranteed. |
起訖頁 | 119-157 |
關鍵詞 | 師資培育、市場化論述、政策社會學、Teacher education、Market discourse、Policy sociology |
刊名 | 臺灣教育社會學研究 |
期數 | 200506 (5:1期) |
出版單位 | 臺灣教育社會學學會 |
該期刊-上一篇 | 臺灣的升學問題:教育社會學理論與研究之檢討 |
該期刊-下一篇 | 臺灣地區中小學教師心理幸福特質之探討:與其他職業的比較 |